What if you could change the world for someone? Would you? You can, and when you do the world changes for you too.
Sharing more than soles
Share Your Soles ® organization has collected and distributed millions of gently worn/new shoes throughout the world, targeting desperately impoverished areas. Our shoes have traveled across the globe to far away places in Central America, South America, Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean Islands. We have supported disaster relief not only here in the United States but abroad as well. We have served Native American Indian Reservations since our journey began. Thanks to generous donors that host shoe drives and fund raise we are able to ship shoes to locations that have the greatest need. Share Your Soles ® offers various volunteer and work shop opportunities for businesses, schools, and other civic organizations.
It all started with one trip
Mona traveled to Guatemala in April of 1999, where she entered a local half marathon race with six shoeless local youth. Running through the jungle, Mona witnessed children applying hot tar to the soles of their feet because they had no shoes to wear. On her flight home, faith intervened when she was sat next to an orthopedic surgeon who was returning from a mission trip that required him to treat children infections due largely to the lack of shoes.

Initially built by George Pullman around what was then an interior courtyard. The stables primary purpose was to house, per George Pullman's orders, all horses in the town "including the dray horses used for the town's delivery trucks as well as the carriage teams and riding horses owned by wealthier citizens". He wanted the town to be clean and odor free for its residents.
Our home
Are you looking to get involved?
Donations & Volunteer
Share Your Soles ® provides the opportunity for people to share new or gently worn shoes to those most in need. Individuals you may never know, meet, or see, but will have been given hope and the chance for a better quality of life because of your care, love, and generosity. Consider donating at one of our drop locations or online today.
Share Your Soles ® is looking to work with both global and local companies that are interested in connecting with the community to help others in need. As a non-profit with limited funding, we rely on the help of our sponsors and partners so that we can continue to successfully affect change.