Get in touch with us!
Thank you for visiting our website. Hopefully it will inspire you to get involved.
We try our best to be the best in the shoe donation world. We do not recycle, repair or refurbish shoes. They go on the feet a those in the greatest need for basic living. In some cases walking is the only means of transportation. In many countries people live on less than $2.00 per day.
We do ask that donated shoes have life still in them so the respect of the recipient is considered. Giving a person old beat up shoes does not help them.
Please scroll through our site to learn more about us and how you can make a difference. We have opportunities to volunteer, host a shoe drive, fund raise to help us pay the cost to ship shoes.
We are not affiliated with any government or religious entities. We love all people that are good.
Again thank you for your interest in Share Your Soles Foundation.
Please fill out the form to get in touch with us!
Namaste~ Share Your Soles
Share Your Soles Foundation - Corporate Headquarters
Address: 11201 S Cottage Grove Ave #4604, Chicago, IL 6062