Share Your Soles News

Donating shoes to impoverished communities is more than a simple act of charity; it's a profound gesture of hope and empowerment. A single pair of shoes can transform lives, allowing children to attend school with dignity, adults to walk to work without pain, and entire communities to step forward into a brighter, healthier future. It’s about more than just footwear; it’s about giving someone the confidence to chase their dreams and the means to achieve them.

Every pair of shoes you donate becomes a stepping stone toward a world where all individuals have the opportunity to reach their fullest potential, creating a ripple effect of positive change that spans generations.

Welcome to the Share Your Soles News Page! Here, you can stay updated on our latest achievements, events, and the impact we've made around the world. From heartwarming stories to our appearances in the media, this page is your source for all things Share Your Soles.

Our News

NBC News 

Used shoes take giant steps in poor countries

PR News Wire 

Chicago Based Share Your Soles Expanding to Become Global Shoe Donation Leader

ABC New 7 

'Share Your Soles' shoe charity needs new warehouse space

CBS News Chicago

Chicago Charity That Sends Shoes Around The World In Desperate Need Of New Home

Fleet Feet Chicago 

A Conversation with Share Your Soles Founder Mona Purdy, the Nonprofit that Has Repurposed 3 Million Pairs of Shoes

Chicago Magazine 

U.S. State Department had granted her group permission to enter Pakistan, where an estimated 3.5 million people were left homeless by last October’s earthquake. 

Chicago Tribune 

Share Your Soles marks 20 years of aiding needy

Chicago Parent 

Unexpected Ways Chicago Families Can Recycle

LION Online

School teams up with Share Your Soles shoe collection


Haiti: Share Your Soles Founder Finds Little Progress

Chicago Tribune 

Putting Soles in Relief Effort 

Health and Human Services 

Share Your Soles Foundation Partner


Mindsight Shares Their Soles In New Charity Drive

Christie Clinic Illinois 

The Shoe Said Project

SHAWLOCAL News Network 

Salem youth collecting shoes to help others around the world